Monday, April 4, 2011

Season of Fusion (Part-II) - Winter - The Bewilderment

Continued from Season of Fusion - Monsoon...

The rain had come at the speed of thought... and it had disappeared in the blink of an eye. Just when i started to feel that it wasn't to come back, not this season at least, it started showering... as if it was playing hide and seek with me... that was when I was waiting for winter and of course the radiant.. tender sunshine! if anybody ever told me that "sometimes things just stay and they'd never go!", i'd remind the Utopian that this isn't the right place for you to stay!

Nature was following a pattern... the winter also had arrived earlier than expected... had already brought shivers along. And I, as if utopia had bewitched me... I was under the impression that monsoon would never go!! I was avoiding shivers, was running away... tired, I decided to stay back at home because the spine chilling gust had left me cold with stellar thoughts, heavy clouds and giant needles to accompany. The wind in the curtains had different plans for me though... it reminded me of the radiant sun.. and the tender sunshine that i was waiting for.

I shared my experience of winter with my buddy, while we were having our dose of the sun vitamin and recharging our batteries... After listening to what I had to say, he managed to decipher the message that I wasn't able to understand all along... I was confused!! But then why wouldn't I be? things were happening in a hurry, as if anything more... unexpected.. had to happen in my life.. I wished I had that something watching over me... holding me back from getting into this current of events! this was just about the perfect time for it to occur!

Continued... Summer - The Determination...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A New Ball Game

It’s a new beginning brother… a new ball game altogether… how are you gonna go about it? :-)

Well it has already begun and things are moving pretty smooth… so far so good! Plan is simple… to work my way through the defense along with the ball and score… and I am sure that it’s going to be a nice journey ahead… (#murmur#: fingers crossed!)

Wait a minute!! It has already begun!!! :-o

Yeah! I was so very excited, still am… I had left my worries behind and prepared myself for a better tomorrow… It began when one of my best buddies, a great winger mind you, chipped in a juicy assist from the flank… that was one hell of a moment I tell you… I grabbed onto it and scored! “Thanks buddy we are home! Nice assist…” (#2 seconds of silence#) doesn’t sound dramatic, does it?

It does… to an extent! :-P (#thinking#: what is he trying to say!)

Good, I thought I saw a question mark on your face!

(#thinking#: I hope this makes sense in the end!) Then what happened next?

Well the game is still on…

Do you think things are gonna fall in place and everything that WAS, is going to change for the better? I mean we are always excited about the things to come… how sure are you?

Having dreamt of a better tomorrow… I’d say the first goal is an Inception! We have the lead and we are confident that we are gonna win! And I am quite happy cuz I am getting the vibes that the wait is over… “Be ready to celebrate cuz that better tomorrow is today, that better tomorrow is NOW!”